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Researcher Development

Researcher Development

Planning your personal and professional development

This video is an introduction to the Continuing Professional Development Cycle from CIPD – the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.


This video can be played with Closed Captions.

You can find out more about CIPD, and the resources they have to support CPD, on their website.

Use Vitae’s Researcher profile: prior and current expertise template to record and reflect on your professional and/or research journey and achievements so far. You will need to refer to the Researcher Development Statement to complete this activity.

Next, map your prior and current expertise on to the domains of the RDF using this worksheet.. Consider:

  • Are there areas of the RDF that you would like to consolidate, or at which you want to become more adept?
  • Are there areas of the RDF in which you don’t have experience?
  • Reflect on your longer-term goals – which skills will you need to develop in the future?

Identify 5 subdomains of the RDF in which you intend to  develop your skills, knowledge and experience over the next year.

You can download a transcript of this video.

Now you know what opportunities are available to support your training and development, use the learning areas you defined in the previous exercise to identify training activities to undertake. Record these on Vitae’s Upcoming Activities worksheet.

Once you have undertaken a training and development opportunity, you are still only half way through the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) cycle. You then need to talk the time to critically reflect on what you learnt, and how to put it in to practice.

One of the simplest models of reflection is The what, So what and now what. This model takes you through three stages to identify:

  • The what – What did you learn/what happened?
  • So what – Why is it important/significant?
  • Now what – What will you do or change as a result?

This model gets down your initial thoughts and ideas – they don’t have to be hugely detailed, but the aim is to capture them to reinforce the learning and consider how to apply it.

 You could also take a more formal approach, and keep a training and devleopment log. Our People Development team have written some guidance on how to record and reflect on your training and development. Read this guidance and consider and a bespoke template for recording and reflecting on your training and development.

The only way to really determine the impact of your training and development is to reflect on it again after you have had chance to put your learning in practice.

Add the following additional sections to your bespoke training and development log template:

Impact on learning (3 months) – use this section to record the ways in which you have put your learning in to practice .

Impact on learning (6 months) – use this section to record the changes you have maintained and embedded in to your research practice.
Further training needs – use this section to identify further or additional training needs in response to these reflections.

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